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Yakutian mammoths were a species of mammoths that lived in the region of Yakutia, in Siberia, during the Pleistocene epoch. They were one of the largest species of mammoths, with adults reaching heights of up to 13 feet at the shoulder and weighing up to 6 tons.
Yakutian mammoths were well adapted to the cold climate of the region, with their thick fur and layers of fat helping them to survive in the harsh conditions. They were herbivores, feeding on grasses, shrubs, and other vegetation that grew in the tundra.
The history of Yakutian mammoths is fascinating, as many of their remains have been preserved in the permafrost of Siberia. This has allowed scientists to study these ancient creatures in great detail, providing valuable insights into their biology, behavior, and evolution.
Some of the most well-preserved specimens of Yakutian mammoths have been found with intact fur, flesh, and even internal organs, giving researchers a unique opportunity to study these extinct animals in ways that would not be possible with other fossils.
Overall, Yakutian mammoths are a fascinating and important part of our planet's natural history, providing valuable information about the ancient ecosystems of the Pleistocene and the adaptations of large mammals to cold climates.
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