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"Translating Proper Names in Children's Literature: A Case Study of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Maria Teresa Musacchio. This publication explores the challenges and strategies involved in translating proper names in children's literature, using Lewis Carroll's classic novel as a case study.
"Translating Literary Proper Names: A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre" by Ying Wang. This study compares the translation of literary proper names in the English and Chinese versions of Charlotte Bronte's novel Jane Eyre, highlighting the cultural and linguistic considerations involved in the process.
"Translating Cultural References in Literary Texts: The Case of Russian Literature in English Translation" by Olga Karpova. This publication examines the translation of cultural references, including proper names, in Russian literature when rendered into English, shedding light on the challenges faced by translators in conveying the nuances of the original text.
"Strategies for Translating Proper Names in Literary Texts: A Comparative Analysis of French and English Translations of Madame Bovary" by Anne-Marie Dussault. This study offers a comparative analysis of the translation of proper names in Gustave Flaubert's novel Madame Bovary, focusing on the strategies employed by translators to convey the cultural and historical context of the original text.
"The Role of Literary Precedents in Translating Proper Names: A Case Study of Russian Literature in English Translation" by Elena Ivanova. This publication explores the significance of literary precedents in the translation of proper names from Russian literature into English, highlighting the importance of maintaining the cultural and historical integrity of the original text.
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